Grandfather - Arthur Eckler

Herr Eckler hoped to save himself by denying his membership to the Jewish community (Public-record office Hamburg 213-11). However, the Statistics Office (Statistische Landesamt, Steuer- und Wahlkartei IV) received the inform,ation from the police that Arthur Eckler was a Jew. 

Hamburg, 5th March 1941 1. } Report :

The inquiries made here have revealed that :

a) According to valid Jewish law, as the child of a Jewish mother, Eckler is automatically a member of the Jewish religious faith.

b) In this case, the deciding factor is not whether circumcision has taken place (he disputes this in his case) because circumcision only represents an additional ritual act according to Jewish religious regulations.

c) Eckler's first marriage was to a Jewess, which really must be judged as affection for Judaism, particularly as the children from this marriage are all classified as Jews.

d) Police registration shows that Eckler was registered as a member of the Mosaic faith without objection until 9th February 39.

e) Eckler has been on the register of the Jewish Gemeinde Hamburg since 1912. In the years following he has always been assessed for Jewish Gemeinde taxes.

f) At his marriage on 24th March 05, ref. : St.A.3/no. 62, Eckler himself declared to be Mosaic.

g) Eckler and his family have repeatedly received support from the Jewish Gemeinde Hamburg. On the applications necessary for such, the whole family is described as Mosaic. In this respect, it is of particular importance that only Jews were given support because there was no responsibility towards others.

h) There has been no conversion to a different confession.

His conscious attitude to Judaism must therefore be judged as a decisive factor in the racial classification ofArthur Eckler. In addition, he tolerated the situation and even made use of it so that his affiliation to the Jewish faith has also found outward expression. 


Criminal Assistant                      Criminal Chiefassistant

(Public-record office Hamburg 213-11)


Auf Antrag der Staatsanwaltschaft verurteilte ihn das Amtsgericht am 4. August 1941 zu einer Geldstrafe von 40 AM. Begründungen : 

Der Großvater wohnte im August 1941 noch in der Kielortallee 14, wurde dann aber in das "Judenhaus" Dillstraße 15 eingewiesen, das ehemalige Gebäude der Hesse-Stiftung, direkt neben der Rappstraße. 

Kannte er Irene? Sind sie einmal zufällig aneinander vorbeigegangen? Irene kannte ihn nicht. In dem Bericht von Dr. Möller vom 25. November 1942 heißt es: 

Im Bestand "Polizeibehörde - Unnatürliche Todesfälle" befindet sich eine Akte, aus der hervorgeht, dass Arthur Eckler am 27. Februar 1943 im Hamburger Hafenkrankenhaus gestorben ist. 

The Polizeipräsident
II C 11                           Hamburg,11th November 1942.

The Senior Public Prosecutor Landgericht (District Court) in Hamburg

Ref. : Arthur Israel Eckler, born 27th June 1880 in Hamburg. File: 135 Cs. 153-41

According to a newly issued ancestry certificate from the Reichssippenamt (Reich Office for Racial Matters) in Berlin, from 5th October 1942- 14 G. 32/41 Dr. Pr./Ty. - Eckler is classified as a Jew. The ancestry certificate of 6th December 41, classifying Eckler as Jewish "Mischling", first degree, is cancelled.


Police Inspector
Harbour Hospital Case.

The Polizeipräsident

- S - Hamburg, 26th February 1943

20th Police District
No. 95/43

Enclosed: 1 driving licence 1 document


Eckler, due to attempted suicide, probably by taking a sleeping agent and inflicting a minor incision, taken to Harbour Hospital by ambulance.

In the records "Police authorities - Unnatural deaths" there is a file which indicates that he died in the Hafenkrankenhaus (Harbour Hospital) on 27th February 1943. (Public-record office Hamburg 331-5) He took his life to escape imminent deportation.